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International studies

International studies

International Studies (IS) generally refers to the specific university degrees and courses which are concerned with the study of ‘the major political, economic, social, and cultural issues that dominate the international agenda’. The term itself can be more specifically defined as ‘the contemporary and historical understanding of global societies, cultures, languages and systems of government and of the complex relationships between them that shape the world we live in’. The terms and concepts of International Studies and international relations are strongly related; however, International relations focus more directly on the relationship between countries, whereas International Studies can encompass all phenomena which are globally oriented.

Purpose/Aim of study

Many educational institutions have developed International Studies degrees and courses in order to engage students with the increasing number of issues and phenomena which have arisen in an increasingly globalized world. As such, most education providers justify the need for the degrees by relating the increasing importance of the discipline with real-world situations and employment opportunities. For example, the University of Technology Sydney states that the purpose of their International Studies degree is to ‘prepare graduates for careers and contributions in a world of social and cultural diversity being transformed by globalisation, allowing students to draw connections between global phenomena and local practices in work and life’. Often, universities will relate the study of International studies with other industries. Monash University describes the relevance for International Studies; ‘as the world globalizes and nations and economies become more integrated, it is important to understand our world and the ideas and beliefs of our neighbors and trading partners. In order to compete in the international marketplaces of products, ideas and knowledge we need to understand and respect the cultures and beliefs of others.

Types of programs

At many universities, International Studies is offered in both undergraduate and postgraduate pathways. As an undergraduate degree, the discipline is most often offered as part of an Arts Degree, as either a minor or major of straight Arts Degrees or as specialist Arts Degrees. It is also often offered as a postgraduate degree as an honors or masters as a progression from the undergraduate degrees offered by the various institutions.

Types of studies

The International Studies discipline is usually offered as either part of an arts degree or as a specialist arts degree. As such, students are able to select from a very broad range of subjects to undertake. However, some areas of study which are regularly offered include:

  • the political, social, economic and cultural relationships within the international system
  • foreign policy, diplomacy and other modes of interaction between the countries of the world
  • the significance of foreign societies, cultures, and systems of government
  • the international movement of people as immigrants, refugees, workers, students, tourists and investors
  • the role of international organizations
  • the globalization of the world economy
  • foreign languages
  • history
Source : Wikipedia
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